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Hexavalent chromium: history, implications and risk factors - Michela Gallo for AIASMAG

In our daily lives, we find ourselves surrounded by objects containing chromium, a chemical element that often goes unnoticed but plays a significant role in various industries and in the production of consumer goods. From the world of steels to chrome plating, from paints to enamels, chromium is a ubiquitous element that gives aesthetic and functional characteristics to many objects we use every day.

However, behind the presence of chromium lies a lesser-known but equally important aspect: hexavalent chromium. This form of chromium, with an oxidation state of +6, has chemical and toxicological characteristics that require special attention.

From the point of view of toxicology, hexavalent chromium is associated with adverse effects even in the case of non-prolonged exposure. Exposure to this type of chromium can cause a range of health problems, including gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, renal and neurological disorders.

At the regulatory level, several guidelines have been established to regulate the use and presence of hexavalent chromium in various sectors. For example, in mixtures containing cement, a maximum limit of water-soluble hexavalent chromium has been set to ensure the safety of operators and consumers. Even in the leather goods sector, where cases of allergies and dermatitis linked to hexavalent chromium in leather are frequent, measures have been introduced to monitor and limit its presence.

However, despite controls and regulations, there are still cases of non-compliance and presence of hexavalent chromium in products on the market. Further efforts are therefore needed to ensure the safety and compliance of consumer goods and to protect the health of consumers and operators.

Learn more about the history of chromium, read the full article written by Michela Gallo Head of Consumer Goods Division @LabAnalysis Life Science, on AIASMAG.

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