Sanitizers are chemical substances used to destroy or inactivate microorganisms present on surfaces in work environments.
LabAnalysis Life Science supports companies producing or using sanitizers in demonstrating the quality and safety of their products by providing the following services.
Bactericidal and fungicidal activity
Microbial reduction test: measures the ability of the sanitizer to reduce the number of bacteria or fungi on a treated surface.
EN 1276 standards: establishes the test methods and requirements for the evaluation of the bactericidal activity of a chemical disinfectant.
EN 1650 standards: focuses on the evaluation of the fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants.
EN 13697 standards: establishes the effectiveness of chemical disinfectant products on non-porous surfaces.
The above tests can be carried out using the strains provided by the USP, EP or endogenous strains.
Virucidal activity
Standards EN 14476: Establishes the test methods and requirements for the evaluation of the virucidal activity of a chemical disinfectant in suspension.
Standards EN 16777: Establishes the test methods and requirements for the evaluation of the virucidal activity of a chemical disinfectant on surfaces.
LabAnalysis Life Science can also perform customized studies with specific viruses depending on the needs and claims of the product.