LabAnalysis Environmental Science, with its extensive experience, provides services and controls for clients in the field of noise and vibrations, both in work environments and outdoor settings.
LabAnalysis Environmental Science has a team of skilled acoustics professionals, graduates in Physics and Engineering, and all the necessary instrumentation for both field measurements and the creation of models for predicting acoustic impacts and acoustic climates.
Acoustic impact assessment
In accordance with the current regulations and a thorough analysis of the present situation, LabAnalysis Environmental Science can carry out an investigation program, identifying the measurement points, the type of measurements to be performed, and their duration.
In particular, it conducts sound level measurements related to:
Environmental noise level (LA): It is the equivalent continuous level of A-weighted sound pressure, produced by all existing noise sources in a given location and during a specific time. Environmental noise consists of the sum of residual noise and that produced by specific disturbing sources, excluding individually identifiable sound events of exceptional nature compared to the environmental value of the area. It is the level compared to the maximum exposure limits:
In the case of differential limits, it refers to TM.
In the case of absolute limits, it refers to TR (D.M. 16/03/1998).
Residual noise level (LR): It is the equivalent continuous level of A-weighted sound pressure, measured when excluding the specific disturbing source. It must be measured using the same modalities employed for the measurement of environmental noise and should not contain atypical sound events (D.M. 16/03/1998).
Assessment of the presence of Tonal Components (CT) of environmental noise (D.M. 16/03/1998).
Assessment of the presence of Impulsive Components (CI) of environmental noise (D.M. 16/03/1998).
These measurements allow estimating and verifying compliance with absolute emission limits and assessing, where applicable, the differential level.
The technical reports produced by LabAnalysis Environmental Science contain at least the following elements:
Normative references
Adopted methodological criteria containing references to the applied legal and technical standards
Description of the measurement, analysis, sampling, or assessment methods
Limit values specified by regulations
Sampling date
Measurement results
Comparison with the limits
Certificates of conformity and calibration of the used instrumentation
Certificates of competent acoustics technicians
Plans supporting the evaluations
LabAnalysis technicians also assist the client in dealing with authorities before and after the monitoring activities.
Available instrumentation:
Precision class 1 integrating sound level meters compliant with I.E.C. standard No. 61672-1 with the possibility of statistical analysis and real-time octave band spectral analysis.
LabAnalysis Environmental Science offers a comprehensive vehicular traffic monitoring service using Doppler radar systems strategically positioned along roadways and transportation infrastructures.
For the execution of our investigative campaigns, LabAnalysis Environmental Science employs two Doppler radar systems designed for vehicle detection. The measurement chains include:
Batteries: Housed within a containment cabinet, the batteries provide approximately one week of autonomy under normal traffic conditions.
Anti-Vandalism Container: Equipped with a secure fastening system, this container protects and supports the instrument and battery, ensuring reliable and secure operation.
Support Brackets: These brackets are used for the installation and support of the equipment.
Traffic Counter: The traffic counter is a vital component of the system, allowing for the accurate counting and recording of passing vehicles.
Smartphone: Utilized for parameter configuration, control of measurements, and data retrieval, the smartphone streamlines the operational aspects of the monitoring system.
Operating on the Doppler effect principle, the system records each individual vehicle's passage without disrupting normal traffic flow. It can be configured for bidirectional detection mode.
The system captures and stores the speed and length of each vehicle, along with the date and time of transit. This data enables the reporting of traffic information, categorized by the length classes of the vehicles.
LabAnalysis Environmental Science's traffic monitoring service provides valuable insights into traffic patterns, aiding in effective traffic management and infrastructure planning. The use of advanced technology ensures accurate and reliable data for informed decision-making.
Wind turbine noise monitoring
LabAnalysis Environmental Science is able to perform the measurements and assessments required following the entry into force of the Decree dated 01/06/2022, which concerns the criteria for measuring noise and processing data aimed at verifying compliance with noise limit values produced by wind installations.
The decree specifies in particular the measurement criteria that take into account the peculiarity of the investigated source, which requires sufficiently long measurement times, given its variability over time depending on meteorological conditions.
In addition to measuring noise levels (both in the absence and presence of wind turbine noise), fundamental meteorological parameters for assessing the sound impact of wind turbines (wind speed and direction values) must be simultaneously recorded.
LabAnalysis Environmental Science has the following equipment:
15 stations for continuous monitoring of noise levels;
Microclimatic stations for detecting key meteorological parameters (wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, rainfall).
Vibration measurements for the evaluation of disorder and structrural damage
LabAnalysis Environmental Science has a portable multichannel system for acoustic and vibration measurements (SOUNDBOOK) that allows for assessments of disturbance and structural damage.
In particular, LabAnalysis Environmental Science has:
Uniaxial accelerometers
Triaxial velocimeters
Outdoor electromagnetic field monitoring
LabAnalysis Environmental Science can provide consultants and expert technicians active throughout the territory equipped with professional and state-of-the-art instrumentation for monitoring electromagnetic fields. Our professionals identify conditions of higher exposure and critical aspects related to the exposure situation in each scenario.
Our instrumentation is capable of detecting:
Low-frequency electric and magnetic fields generated by power lines and electrical cabinets. In particular, as required by current regulations, we can perform short-term measurements and continuous long-term monitoring using monitoring stations equipped with autonomous power systems, resistant to adverse weather conditions, and suitable for placement both indoors and outdoors in residential environments.
High-frequency electric and magnetic fields generated by mobile phone stations, TV and radio broadcasting antennas, WiFi systems, etc. We can conduct measurements up to frequencies of 60 GHz using spot analysis instruments and continuous long-term monitoring through monitoring stations equipped with autonomous power systems, remote control, and suitable for placement both indoors and outdoors in residential environments.
LabAnalysis Environmental Science provides reports and documentation related to the measurements conducted and compliance with the limits specified by current regulations. In particular, the technical reports include at least the following elements:
Regulatory references
Adopted methodological criteria containing references to the laws and applied technical standards
Description of the measurement, analysis, sampling, or evaluation procedures
Limit values specified by regulations
Sampling date
Measurement results
Comparison with the limits
Certificates of conformity and calibration for the used instrumentation
Certificates of competence for the acoustics experts
Plans supporting the assessments
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