Within the specialized area dedicated to the soil gas matrix, LabAnalysis Environmental Science has a team of experts engaged in sampling for the monitoring of gases and vapors at contaminated sites using soil gas probes, such as nesty probes, installed in the ground. This can also involve the use of static dynamic flow chambers (flux chambers) in accordance with the reference SNPA guidelines.
Sampling is conducted using specific supports (vials, filters, thermal desorption vials, canisters, vacuum bottles), and the analyses employ state-of-the-art techniques available in the market to achieve threshold concentrations and quantification limits as outlined in the SNPA guidelines 15/2018.
The types of substances to be investigated can be customized and extended to site-specific pollutants, even those not covered by the guidelines.
LabAnalysis Environmental Science supports its clients in the verification and development of land remediation systems (soil vapor extraction, bioventing, multiphase extraction) by monitoring the concentrations of treated pollutants.
The laboratory monitors gas emissions from landfill surfaces according to the LFTGN07 Guideline "Guidance on monitoring landfill gas surface emissions" to identify critical points for investigation (walkover survey) and measure the emissive flow of pollutants from the landfill body (flux box survey) using accumulation chambers and specific analyzers for direct reading.
LabAnalysis Environmental Science can assist its clients in monitoring pollutants in landfill gas collection systems (gas spy, biogas wells).
Our laboratory is equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation, allowing operators to perform sampling with quality and safety, ensuring the representativeness of the results.