  • ITA

Commitment to innovation.

Andrea Marchioni

Preparative Area Coordinator

What do you enjoy most about your work?

It's a job that hooked me right away, maybe because I started as soon as I graduated and I had a great desire to work. I was lucky enough to find patient people willing to teach me. It's also a dynamic job: I'm not always in front of a monitor, but I move around and go to the lab - which is also one of the reasons why I studied chemistry!

I like it because it's varied. In the environmental field I deal with water, soil and waste analysis... It was love at first sight!

I feel like I’m an integral part of the company and I can say that I have contributed to its growth over the years. Here at Casanova Lonati in 2011, when I arrived, there were only 150 of us. Today we are more than 500 people.

The increase in staff has also led to an increase in working environment with my colleagues. Dealing with so many people is not always easy, but every discussion allows me to grow and makes every day less boring!

What did you want to do as a child?

I wanted to be a fisherman! It is a passion that I still carry on today with my son. My father passed it on to me. It relaxes me to fish in rivers and lakes, but I’ve never had the opportunity to fish in the sea.

When you're a kid you think of work as fun and games. As I grew up, I realized that it couldn't have been like that: freshwater fishermen are not so requested! (laughs, ed.)

Biggest lesson you learned as a coordinator?

Okay this is a tough one.

I would say that the lesson I learned is that you can't always get everyone to agree. You don't have to crucify yourself if sometimes the staff is unsatisfied. You have to work hard to make each one of them perform at their best, but you have to be able to manage and accept compromises. You must talk, discuss and resolve things together.

At the moment, in addition to my team of over 10 people, I have to interface with all the environmental areas. Let's just say I have a lot of fun!

The greatest satisfaction you've had working with your team?

Without a doubt, the respect and recognition for my work. Being respected by your colleagues and your entire team is something beautiful and spurs me on to give even more. Clearly, you shouldn't rest on your laurels, because just as it's hard to get it – I mean, the respect - it's also hard to keep it.

Describe your daily routine at LabAnalysis

The approval of the data must match all the analyses that are conducted within the laboratory. From organic to inorganic analysis, they are all carried out using different instruments, but the results must be consistent and fit together like a puzzle. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate each anomaly of the case and provide the best quality of service that we are offering.

My typical day is pretty complicated. It starts from evaluating the samples that come in, to organizing the daily tasks of the team, to dealing with reporting issues.

I also have to say that since we expanded to Brindisi, Chieti, Nove - and other new cities in Italy - the comparison with others is fundamental. Learning from the dialogue is an immense opportunity for growth and represents an extra stimulus for me.

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