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Commitment to innovation.

LabAnalysis Group reorganizes: LabAnalysis Environmental Science is born

On April 1, 2023, LabAnalysis Environmental Science will come to life, a company that will verticalize within it all the competencies of the environmental branch of LabAnalysis and Laser Lab.

The operation is part of a reorganization of LabAnalysis Group aimed at creating dedicated business lines to meet the increasingly specific needs of the market.

The new organizational structure is the result of the innovation process to offer a high quality and reliable service that has accompanied the Maggi family's vision for more than 45 years.

The new company, led by CEO Stefano Maggi, will focus on the range of services for analysis, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of air, noise, water, waste, soil and other environmental matrices. LabAnalysis Environmental Science stands as an ideal partner for companies and institutions to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and to support them in the process of ecological transition.

"LabAnalysis Environmental Science was born from our passion for environmental sustainability and our strong experience in chemical analysis," explains Dr. Maggi. "This reorganization comes as a natural consequence of LabAnalysis' journey in providing better service to the Client and communities, enabling companies to protect the health of employees and the ecosystem that surrounds us all."

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