  • ITA

Commitment to innovation.

Scientific Publication in Toxics - MDPI

We are proud to announce the publication of the article entitled Ecological Impact of End-of-Life-Tire (ELT)-Derived Rubbers: Acute and Chronic Effects at Organism and Population Levels in Toxics Journal by MDPI, a leading open access scientific journal.

The publication, by Maria Chiara NeriErica TediosiFrancesca NoèFabio RossettiStefano MagniDaniela MaggioniRiccardo SbarberiDaniele Fornai e Valentina Persici, addresses  the evaluation of both acute and chronic effects of end-of-life-tire (ELT)-derived rubber granules (ELT-dg) and powder (ELT-dp) on a freshwater trophic chain represented by the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, the crustacean Daphnia magna and the teleost Danio rerio (zebrafish).

The topic, closely related to Aquatic Ecotoxicology, can be traced back to some of the topics covered during the AgroTalks webinar series organized by ChemService in the first half of 2022.

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