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PFAS: one acronym, thousands of substances - Michela Gallo for AIASMAG

A notion well known to experts in the field, PFAS, an acronym that encompasses thousands of substances, are highly regarded substances in the world of the environment and human health.

Their multiple applications in industry and the home have made them extremely widespread, spreading like wildfire in the materials we use every day. This widespread use has worried scientists and researchers around the world, who have raised doubts and questions about their safety for human health and the environment.

PFAS, given their extensive use, pose a significant risk to the environment, thus increasing the risk to health. It is well known that environmental contamination is a very serious danger both to the ecosystem and to the people living within it. For this reason, many factors are taken into account during the assessment of PFASs, such as the likely risk of contamination of soils or reservoirs.

To date, the European regulatory framework places restrictions on the use of PFAS in food and MOCAs, although the aim remains to limit them as much as possible, if not to remove them altogether.

What does the future hold for us? What will be the new regulations at European and global level?

Read both the first and second full articles written by Michela Gallo - Head of Consumer Goods Division @LabAnalysis and Managing Director @IRCPack, for AIASMAG

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