  • ITA

Commitment to innovation.

End of PFAS in Anti-Grease Agents for Food Packaging in the US

Yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a crucial breakthrough for food safety in the United States: manufacturers will no longer sell grease release agents containing per- and polyfluoroalkyls (PFAS) for food packaging use.  

In addition, the FDA is working to develop a validated analytical method that will allow the market for these substances in food packaging to be monitored, ensuring constant control and greater transparency. 

This announcement marks an important step forward in protecting public health by eliminating the main source of dietary exposure to PFAS from authorized packaging. 

We at LabAnalysis are ready to provide our technical support in interpreting the requirements of the FDA, as well as for major international markets. With our expertise, our analytical monitoring and verification testing services ensure compliance with the highest food safety standards. 

Do you want to know more about PFAS? Click here!

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